DOL 99B feed weigher
Feed portions up to 20kg

DOL 99B is a feed weigher that weighs portions of up to 20 kg and has a maximum weighing capacity of 2 500 kg/hour. The weigher ensures an accurate weighing of feed consumption, and it features a dust-proof housing with an internal weighing system.

Depending on the controller connected to DOL 99B, it can combine the supply of various feed components.

If the setup includes a distribution shutter, DOL 99B can supply feed to two feeding systems. The distribution shutter is a power-operated shutter, which distributes feed from DOL 99B to feed system 1 or 2.


  • Designed for harsh and dusty environment
  • Weighing of very high precision
  • The design renders feed mixing possible


Feed distribution shutter, inlet funnel for 3 or 5 feed components

Technical Information:


Installation examples

Feed and bird weighers

Feed Weigher DOL 99B Product Picture

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