Control of feed, water, weight, and light

To achieve the best results, it is essential to continuously monitor production and take corrective action if it takes an unexpected course.

SKOV's production controller is equipped with specialized modules designed for broilers, which enable systematic monitoring and effective production control.

These production modules can monitor the animals' daily gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR), water and feed consumption ratio, and mortality rates.

Changes in water consumption can indicate an outbreak of a disease and water waste, increased temperature in the house, or poor-quality feed. In cases of disease outbreaks or increased temperature in the house, the animals' water intake will increase.

For broiler producers, tracking the animals' weight is vital to properly monitor and control their productivity.

Controlling animal behavior means providing them with the right amount of light in the right places at the right time.


  • Continuously monitoring and controlling the production
  • Advanced feed program securing optimal FCR/PEF
  • Water monitoring and control – quick reaction in case of irregularities
  • Light control for good animal welfare



Essentials in production monitoring for poultry

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